About Gulf Japan Food meat importers

Pet Dog in Iran, pig bone ramen in Israel

About Gulf Japan Food meat importers Pet Dog in Iran, the innovation is in the precepts defeat the pig bone ramen era in Israel "Point of this article" More and more people to the dog to the pet in Iran, opening also pig bone ramen shop in Israel On the other hand, in India, are cattle traders that are sacred are attacked Precepts that on the basis of the old customs, it is necessary to innovation Middle East countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, religious taboo is strict, it has been said that freedom is a small country. But even in these countries, it has emerged signs of change little by little. For example, Iran in urban areas, the dog is (is the month Asahi Shimbun) that more people who keep as a pet. So far in Iran, the dog has been shunned as [unclean animal]. This is, in the history books of Shiite, which accounts for the public of the split, it was to have been marked as [that Muslims touch the dog, not acceptable]. The reason is, is because there is a risk of bacterial infection, which was mediated dog.